AML Compliance-as-a-Service
Record, Track and Report on All AML/CFT Issues

The AML360™ Case Management register ensures your business can assign responsibilities and set priority levels. Keep on top of all AML/CFT administrative matters with governance, compliance and risk management.

AML Software

AML Case Management Software

AML case management software is used for customer interactions, activity monitoring and administrative tasks. Such software allows an AML compliance officer or senior manager to assign responsible persons, set priority levels, confirm deadline dates and track progress.

AML Compliance Software

Track & Report

Keep on top of monitoring.


Use data filters for reporting.


Identify higher priority actions.

AML Case Management

There are many administrative actions arising from anti-money laundering compliance. Thus, AML case management software is designed to interpret priority tasks and track progress.

The adoption of AML case management allows compliance officers to log in to their software solution and quickly interpret any issues requiring escalation.

Anti-money laundering case management software should include the ability for data visualisation.

AML Outsourcing
AML case management


Managing AML compliance

An anti-money laundering reporting officer has a lot of responsibilities.  Consequently, priority levels can change daily.  A suspicious activity report may require escalation, or a valued client could be experiencing onboarding issues.  

In these situations, the business’s reputation is in the hands of the AML compliance officer. This is why an effective software solution is a valued resource. 

Commonly referred to as Regulatory Technology, decision-making is immediate and based on informed judgement.


Setting Priorities

Regulatory risk-based principles require greater resourcing to areas with high risk and impact. A Money Laundering Reporting Officer must operate a compliance framework that guides resourcing allocation. Likewise, senior management needs access to data visualisation to interpret those areas presenting regulatory risk.


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AML case management