1. Firm Risk Assessment

There is no better way to administer an AML/CFT firm-wide risk assessment. Select data on the screen, add customised notes, and then click 'Calculate'. You receive a comprehensive risk report, heat maps and an online register to allow easy updates. The risk report examines five key risk divisions of (a) Nature, size and Complexity of Business, (b) Products and Services, (c) Method of Delivery, (d) Customers and Institutions and (e) Geographies. Over 40 areas are examined in total, with an explanation of risk elements for each.

2. Client Risk Profiling

Under the risk-based principles of AML/CFT compliance, businesses must know clients with higher risk. Higher-risk customers should always be escalated to senior management. There is also an expectation that firms will have systems in place to monitor customer behaviours and amend customer risk accordingly. With AML360's platform, your client profiling is displayed in a risk register, ensuring client confidentiality using a unique identity reference. The client profile register includes case management and task assignments with the ability to appoint responsible persons, set priority levels and track progression.

Customer Due Diligence

3. Transaction Monitoring

AML360 offers a transaction monitoring solution affordable to small businesses. AML enables you to capture profiles, transactions and product risks. The system provides all relevant background information about the transaction or account activity. This allows red flag alerts to be examined and actioned without referring to an additional data source. The ability to readily analyse transactions lessens ageing alerts which cause regulatory risk. The platform provides a lot of flexibility, and rules can be added without coding.

4. Geography Risk

Geography risks can link to a customer's country of residence or business operations and the location of a client's customers. Some countries are subject to economic sanctions which prohibit any type of activity. AML360's Country Risk solution allows businesses to have a combination of reliable data sources to inform on risks of money laundering, terrorism, corruption, secret havens and sanctions.

Geography Risks AML
AML HealthCheck

5. Internal Reviews

AML360's HealthCheck can be used for internal reviews to identify areas of weakness and strengths across the entire AML/CFT framework. The HealthCheck report includes prompts on how to remedy areas identified as a concern. Supported with a case management function, the business can easily track and record actions under a remediation plan.

6. Case Management

The Case Management register allows a business to set priority tasks, assign responsible persons then track and record actions taken. This is a simple way to evidence record keeping for every aspect of an AML/CFT compliance framework.

AML Case Management